There’s little better than being a TT races spectator (other than maybe being a TT racer).
Sitting hedge-side with a pint in hand, surrounded by fellow TT fans from all over the world, with TT+ or the radio playing next to you as Michael Dunlop and Dean Harrison fly past is unmatched.
That said, there are some Do’s and Don’ts to follow to be a great Isle of Man TT Races Spectator, because Motorsport is dangerous to watch and can cost you a lot in fines.
Do Keep Off the TT Course:
It’s no longer a main road, it’s a race track. Stepping on the course not only puts your life at risk, but puts the lives of the riders and the marshals at risk. And it’s illegal.
Do Respect Prohibited and Restricted Areas:
These areas have been prohibited to protect you, not to spoil the fun. As the bikes get faster and racers push harder, the prohibited areas can change overtime. Always double check you are in a safe area. A full list of the Prohibited and Restricted Areas can be found here.
Do Follow the Advice of the Marshals
The marshals are invaluable volunteers at the TT races and they are highly trained to ensure the racing that takes place is as safe as possible. If they tell you to back up or move away, they know what they are talking about. They should be treated with the highest respect. If you want to become a marshal, check out the TTMA website iomttmarshals.com.
Do Keep Phones Away From The Riders:
We all want to capture every second of the TT from our own point of view, from the look on your mate’s face when they see their first bike go past, to the shot you get of someone breaking a lap record past you in the hedges.
However dangling arms and selfie sticks out to get the shot could cause a serious crash, plus we have photographers and videographers all around the course to capture the moments for you. So get the pictures, but keep tucked well in. And don’t forget to tag us when you upload them to socials - @ttracesofficial
Do Wait For The Roads Open Car:
When the racing is over, there is often a rush to get back into town for activities taking place after the session, particularly at the Fan Park. However, until the roads open car has passed by, the roads remain closed and therefore illegal to drive on.

Until they have confirmed the road is clear and safe to return to normal use, be patient and enjoy the serenity the Island has to offer.
Do Consider Others When Parking:
The Island continues life as normal whilst the TT takes place and so please be mindful of where you have parked so as not to cause any inconvenience when you might not be able to get back to your car to move it. This includes access roads used to reach parts of the island blocked off during racing, including the hospital.
We often hear Gary Thompson asking for the last vehicles to leave pitlane… think of him every time you park up on the Island.
Do Follow Official Feeds For News:
A lot happens during a TT session and in some remote areas you can be left a little confused as to why you haven’t seen a bike go past in a while. By following the TT channels either on the TT+ Live Stream, via the social media, @ttracesofficial, or on Radio Motorsport, you can keep up with what’s happening where.
Do Plan Your Day:
Think about what you need as a spectator. Some places are remote with no toilets, food, or shade, and some days are really hot. You don’t want to get ill because you were unprepared and hold up the racing to get you re-hydrated again! Check out our the TT experience section of our website for some race-day plan inspiration.
Do Take Your Rubbish Home:
Take your rubbish home with you. The hedges you’re on are sometimes people’s fields and as the Isle of Man is a UNESCO Biosphere Nation we really care for our environment. Take a bag with you to fill with rubbish and pop it in the nearest bin.
Don’t Enter The Course:
Illegal, as well as seriously dangerous as bikes are flying around the course. But you know this already don’t you…
Don’t Enter Prohibited or Restricted Areas:
There are clear signs to tell you where you can’t go, for your safety and the safety of the entire event. A full list of the Prohibited and Restricted Areas can be found here.
Don’t Disobey The Marshals:
They are wearing their orange bib and have undergone significant training for a reason. They know how to keep you and the rest of the spectators and the riders safe.

TT Marshals have legal powers to ensure event safety, always follow their instructions
Don’t Use Selfie Sticks:
They can impact the view of other people around you, and can distract riders causing serious incidents. Let us get the mega shots for you.
Don’t Overtake the Roads Open Car:
Until it has driven around, the roads aren’t open. By overtaking you’re breaking the law and delaying the opening of the roads for others. Stay patient and stay behind.
Don’t Block Access Roads:
There are some key places around the island, notably Noble’s Hospital, that during the racing are entirely blocked off. Using a number of access roads, people can retain their access so it is essential not to block these at all during the TT fortnight.
Don’t Fly Drones Near The Course:
Flying drones near the course during the TT is illegal, and can cost £10,000 in a fine. Helicopters flying medics and camera crew are operating and can be interfered by drone footage, so keep your drones in hand. Read more here.
Don’t Remove any Signage:
Signage erected around the course is to inform fans, marshals, officials and residents and should not, under any circumstances, be removed.
Don’t Take it Too Far.
Whilst TT is the best event of the year, that’s not an excuse to go mad. Going to prison is not a money saving accommodation option.
And finally…
Do Have Fun!
Best two weeks of the year - make the most of them!