Comment Policy
Rules for use
These rules are to ensure a healthy environment for positive discussion. Breach of these rules will result in the removal of your comments with repeated breaches resulting in removal of your registration.
If your post has been removed and you do not agree that you have broken these rules, please contact
Keep your comments relevant to the discussion topic
Do not submit defamatory comments (comments that are untrue and capable of damaging the reputation of a person or organisation)
Do not condone illegal activity or incite people to commit any crime, including incitement of racial hatred
Do not submit comments that could prejudice on-going or forthcoming court proceedings (contempt of court) or break a court injunction
Do not submit comments containing someone else’s copyright material
Do not swear or use language that could offend other forum participants
Do not otherwise submit comments that are unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually orientated or racially offensive. This includes comments that are offensive to others with regards to religion, gender, nationality or other personal characteristic
Do not impersonate other forum members or falsely claim to represent a person or organisation
Do not advertise or promote products or services
Do not spam or flood the forum. Only submit a comment once. Do not resubmit the same, or similar, comments. Keep the number of comments you submit on a topic at a reasonable level. Multiple comments from the same individual, or a small number of individuals, may discourage others from contributing
Do not use an inappropriate user name (vulgar, offensive etc.)
What each comment type means:
This can be seen by all Officials portal users.
Privately to the Department for Enterprise Motorsport Team
This comment will not appear on the Officials portal but will be sent to the Department for Enterprise Motorsport team who can contact you directly to discuss.
This comment will not appear on the Officials portal but will be sent to the Department for Enterprise Motorsport team without any personal details.