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1959 Ultra Lightweight TT
Position Competitor(s) Time Speed Machine
1 Provini, Tarquinio 1:27:25.20 74.06 MV
2 Taveri, Luigi 1:27:32.60 73.95 MZ
3 Hailwood, Mike 1:29:44.00 72.15 Ducati
4 Fugner, Horst 1:30:11.60 71.91 MZ
5 Ubbiali, Carlo 1:30:55.60 71.2 MV
6 Taniguchi, Naomi 1:34:48.00 68.29 Honda
7 Suzuki, Giichi 1:37:03.40 66.71 Honda
8 Tanaka, Teisuke 65.69 Honda
9 Robb, Tommy 65.44 Ducati
10 Purslow, Fron 65.07 Ducati
11 Suzuki, Junzo 63.81 Honda
12 Porter, Ross 62.13 MV
13 Maddrick, Bill 61.02 Ducati
14 Tully, Kevan 60.19 Ducati
15 Carr, Peter 59.54 Ducati
16 Harfield, Len 57.21 LCH
17 Percival, Chris 56.79 MV
18 Dickinson, Gary 54.61 MV
R Evans, Lawrence Edward Ducati
R Degner, Ernst MZ
R Baughn, Jim EMC
R Allen, Douglas Mondial
R Hunt, Bill Honda
R Hedlund, Lennart Ducati
R Spaggiari, Bruno Ducati
R Nicklasson, Billy Ducati
R West, Arthur Ducati
R Villa, Francesco Ducati
R Griffiths, Les MV
R Fruin, Bert Fruin spl
R Walsh, Pat MV
R Kavanagh, Ken Ducati
R Chadwick, Dave MV
R Moore, Dave Paton