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1961 Sidecar TT
Position Competitor(s) Time Speed Machine
1 Deubel, Max & Horner, Emil 1:17:29.80 87.65 BMW
2 Scheidegger, Fritz & Burkhardt, Horst 1:18:02.60 87.03 BMW
3 Harris, Pip & Campbell, Ray 1:19:40.40 85.26 BMW
4 Rohsiepe, Auguste & Buttcher, Lothar 1:25:19.80 79.6 BMW
5 Freeman, Charlie & Nelson, Billie 1:26:10.60 78.82 Norton
6 Seeley, Colin & Rawlings, Wally 1:27:09.80 77.93 Matchless
7 Parry, Len & Carter, I.B. 1:27:44.60 77.41 Norton
8 Pickup, Eric & Biggs, Jamie 1:28:05.00 77.11 BMW
9 Greenwood, Owen & Fairbrother, Terry 1:29:18.80 76.05 Triumph
10 Scholes, Harry & Lindsay, Ray 1:29:19.20 76.04 BMW
11 Luthringshauser, Heinz & Vester, Heiner 1:29:36.80 75.8 BMW
12 Vincent, Eric & Harding, R.W. 1:30:12.40 75.3 Norton
13 Yorke, Derek & Mason, G.W. 1:30:13.60 75.28 Norton
14 Hackman, Russ & Roberts, Keith 1:31:26.60 74.28 BSA
15 Folwell, Terry & Garry, M.J. 1:31:35.40 74.16 Norton
16 Wileman, P. & Cross, G.A. 1:35:27.80 71.15 BSA
17 Padley, Tim & McDonald, Ian 1:35:35.40 71.06 Triumph
18 Boddice, Bill & Stokes, G. 1:36:13.80 70.58 Norton
19 Curchod, Henri & Beyeler, Armand 1:39:21.80 68.36 BMW
R Harrison, Terry BSA
R Hess, Dieter BMW
R Campbell, C.F. Triumph
R Spence, Geoff Norton
R Lambert, Marie BMW
R Sheldon, E. Norton
R Nightingale, Stan BSA
R Vincent, Chris BSA
R Lambert, Claude BMW
R Kolle, Otto BMW
R Millard, Pat Norton
R Deakin, G. Norton
R Benge, J.W. Norton
R Green, Brian Norton
R Knight, D.W. Triumph
R Kelly, K. BSA
R Hartill, J. Norton
R Stevens, D.J. Triumph
R Cook, Tony Norton
R Jackson, Tom Norton
R Wells, Les Norton
R Cheney, Reg Norton
R Bollington, James Triumph
R Fynn, D.E. Norton
R Hardcastle, Pete Norton