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1972 Senior TT
Position Competitor(s) Time Speed Machine
1 Agostini, Giacomo 2:10:34.40 104.02 MV
2 Pagani, Alberto 2:18:25.80 98.13 MV
3 Grant, Mick 2:20:00.00 97.03 Kawasaki
4 Cowley, Kevin 2:21:21.60 96.1 Seeley
5 Chatterton, Derek 2:21:48.20 95.8 Yamaha
6 Williams, Charlie 2:23:43.80 94.52 Yamaha
7 Griffiths, Selwyn 2:25:02.00 93.66 Matchless
8 Brown, Clive 2:25:09.40 93.58 Suzuki
10 Sanby, Charlie 2:25:33.00 93.33 Suzuki
11 McCosh, Billy 2:25:39.00 93.26 Suzuki
12 Woods, Stan 2:25:41.20 93.24 Suzuki
13 Wade, Jeff 2:25:58.40 93.06 Yamaha
14 Nicholls, Roger 2:26:21.00 92.82 Suzuki
15 Fogarty, George 2:26:30.60 92.72 Suzuki
16 Mateer, Gerry 2:27:02.40 92.39 Norton
17 Elmore, Pete 2:27:46.60 91.93 Norton
18 Dickie, Tom 2:29:22.60 90.94 Matchless
19 Lee, Brian 2:30:42.80 90.14 Aermacchi
20 Tilley, Ken 2:31:14.20 89.82 Norton
21 Bowler, Roger 2:31:31.40 89.65 Norton
22 Ashcroft, Raymond 2:32:32.40 89.06 Yamaha
23 Evans, Hugh 2:32:52.40 88.28 Kawasaki
24 Penny, Graham 2:34:57.40 87.67 Honda
25 Kay, Ken 2:35:18.00 87.47 Seeley
26 Walton, Fred 2:35:34.00 87.32 Metisse
27 Baylie, Ron 2:35:58.60 87.1 Triumph
28 Dawson, Walter 2:37:38.20 86.18 Yamaha
29 Neve, Chris 2:37:57.80 86 Seeley
30 Loughridge, Tom 2:38:47.00 85.55 Suzuki
31 Alexander, Abe 2:38:59.00 85.44 Seeley
32 Ashton, Jim 2:43:37.20 83.02 Seeley
33 Waterer, Tom 2:46:21.40 81.66 Norton
34 Johnson, Eddie 2:51:47.00 79.08 Suzuki
35 Barry, Geoff 2:56:47.60 76.84 Seeley
R Grotefeld, Terry Yamaha
R Williams, John G. Matchless
R Teggart, Brian Norton
R Robinson, Dudley Kawasaki
R Henderson, Bill Yamsel
R Harris, Dave Yamaha
R Ramsey, Robert Matchless
R Biscardine, Bob Norton
R Stanley, John Seeley
R Price, Norman Norton
R Cash, Doug Norton
R Moffatt, Malcolm Seeley
R Hodgkinson, Ivan Yamaha
R Browne, Richard Norton
R Heckles, Keith Norton
R Williams, Peter Matchless
R Warburton, Brian Yamaha
R Moynihan, Steve Norton
R Guthrie, Billy Yamaha
R Lawton, Alan Norton
R Graham, Roy Matchless
R Findlay, Jack Jada
R Knight, Ray Triumph
R Neveling, Garth Norton
R Filler, Derek Seeley
R Grant, Don Norton
R Foulkes, David Norton
R Schmid, Heinz Suzuki
R Jefferies, Tony Suzuki
R Fursman, Ron Seeley
R Knowles, David Metisse
R Sutcliffe, Roger Suzuki
R Moses, Brian Norton
R Boniface, Jeff Norton
R Rollason, Nigel Yamaha
R Fulton, Bill Matchless
R Trollope, Dennis Seeley
R Smith, Bill Kawasaki